Sunday 1 May 2011


Have you ever felt that a mere presence of a person makes you feel peaceful? Your head on their shoulder and all your tensions vanish in a jiffy? One smile and the world turns colourful?

Well guys… then you are as lucky as I am…
Years ago, when life was all about exams, school and friends, I met this person... ET Man I call him…

On 17th April 2005, when I walked into the back stage of our school auditorium to talk to one of my friends, I didn’t have a clue that my life would me completely transformed from that moment…
That was when I first saw ET Man chatting away with one of ma friends… My friend who had then spotted me, asked me to join them…

Whoosh… Before I could even realize what I was up to, I was pouring ma heart out to this ET Man… I was talking about anything and every thing… That was the 1st time I came to know that time flies very fast…. Before I knew, it was night 9.. I had spoken for about 3 complete hours!!!

As I walked away from the spot, I just felt one emotion towards ET Man…
From then, we met almost every day.. We spoke, shared, laughed and cried together..

Life seemed simple, beautiful and Magical….

But, as it happens in all the movies, it happened to us too…
The world couldn’t see both of us happy together. Plans were made, plots were hatched and games were played…. Finally they succeeded….
ET Man walked out of my life…

In a second, the magic was lost… gone away from ma life…

Years to come from then, life taught me more lessons than I actually deserved to learn…
It taught me betrayal, it taught me loss…. It taught me to hide my tears and just keep walking across… It taught me people, it taught me patience… In short it taught me what the world actually is.

There I stood.. I stood in such a phase of life where I could trust no one… I had nothing…
No friends, no one to love or to be loved, no happiness, no future, no support… Just darkness… Pitch-black darkness…

When I had completely lost hope and was searching for a purpose to live, It happened again… The Magic….

Right from thin air, just like the thunderbolt, ET Man was back…
Back with all the magic that had left me.. 4 yearz ago…

From that day till now, when ever I am in need of a friend, philosopher, guide, mentor, teacher, guru, a shoulder to cry on, a finger to hold, an arm to run into or a hand to be slapped, I have always had the one person… ET Man..

Many people call our relationship by many names… Friendship, siblinghood, love etc etc etc…  But we have always called it by just one name..
There still are people who would go to any extent to see us separated…. But beyond al this lays that unbreakable element between both of us… TRUST…
This trust gives us strength to fight against all the negative forces and stay together all ways…

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