Tuesday 3 May 2011


 Agrrrrr….( Sorry guyz… I honestly didn’t know what to name the emotion I am feeling rite now..)

U guyz must be wondering what’s making me feel so… agrrrrr….
So here is the story..

Flash Back: Part I

On a fine day, as I was sitting in ma bed room, reading ma fav novel, one of my best buddy calls me up and asks 4 a favor… He had met a gal who seem to need his help and that he wanted to do all he can to help her out… but der was a problem. She had trouble judging him and didn’t know how much cud she confide in him…. And so, he wanted me to talk to her and convince her his integrity… (Oh how I wish I had denied his request dat very day…)

Unfortunately, as most of u know, I can never say NO to my friends and hence agreed to talk to that female. (Let’s call her tk).

TK then calls me up and bombards me with questions like… “Oh but I hardly know him…” ….. “My friends tell me that I trust people easily and then get cheated…” ….. “I m the very innocent types…” etc etc etc ( U guys must have got the gist by now…)

After answering all her queries patiently (Trust me guys, Patiently…. (That is when I realized that I could seriously consider becoming a cal center agent)…) 
I finally get a get msg from her saying that I had convinced her and that she felt much better after talking with me.. (Phew…. Finally)

And from then on... My buddy and tk became gr8 pals… ( So much of a great pals that I actually started feeling a bit insecure about losing ma best buddy to tk…(Guys.. I can see u rolling ur eyes…))

And my buddy was the happiest on earth… and I was happy 4 him…

And s.. I had to b in my buddy’s gud books.. so I too started developing friendship with tk..

Daily msging.. wk end shopping… 
My buddy was glad that I was getting along well with his tk…

Now enough about me in this story…

My Buddy & tk:
Ever since tk came into my buddy’s life, he had forgotten what it means to sleep..( no guys… don’t get wrong ideas…) from night 10 to morning 05, he used to be on the phone with tk…

Tk is one of those species who feel that they are in the receiving end of all the problems under the sky…

From family to friends, everything was a problem for tk..
My buddy… as always, did all he could to make her feel better...(Unfortunately she never felt better before 5 am)
Well this is exactly how their lives were until…..

Flash Back Part II:

Bang… and my buddy’s heart broke.. tk had been relocated.. She had to move to a city 3hrs away from here..( Now thatz quite a distance rite? I travel 2 hourz daily to reach col.. anyways…)
And that was the end of the most beautiful smile on my buddy’s face…
And on the day she left, he got quite excited… he was full of worries like “hope she is safe der…” “ who will feed her lunch now..” (My Mind Voice: What is she? A 3-month-old kid?)
“Where will she stay..?” (Again my MV: definitely not on the streets..)
etc etc etc…

Tears welled by buddy’s eyes when he realized that tk had tk had left…( No guyz, she is still alive.. just left the city…)
(MY MV: Finally he can sleep again…(Gosh life would be horrible with out MVs..))

But no…. Unfortunately phones seem to be working better long distances.. L
(My MV: damn…. Man…. Der goes my peace of mind again…)

but then… her problems were not solved even after relocating..
(bloody hell… my buddy would have been the world’s best shrink..)

He kept ruining his nights’ sleep (and also mine as I was worried sick about him) and kept playing the shrink for tk…
Those days were all the same…

Flash Back Part III

I unable to see my buddy is this distressed existence(remember the heart break?) planned to take him to meet tk…. (F**k my brains guyz… I need 2 kill myself for the brains I have got….)
And yeah we took the three-hour trip to meet her…
As we reached there…
(did u expect tk to come running to meet the guy who took al the pains of traveling to meet her? Well so did I…)
But the reality was that she was no where with in vicinity and was not answering our calls….
Finally madam did arrive in full form and took us out for lunch.(all that we got to eat were ice creams…)

On seeing her, my buddy got overwhelmed  and greeted her with quite an over flow of emotions..( obviously guyz.. after al he is MY buddy.. :P)  then it was all the blah blah stuff of I missed you… etc
Then came the time for us to come back….
Finally there was a smile on my buddy’s face and I was glad to se that…I thought that my plan had worked out well and that there lies the happy ending of the story…
But guys… happy ending has never been a part of the story in which I play a role and in this case I was the scrip writer…. How can the fate change?
So lets see the twist in the story..

Flash Back Part IV

After all the efforts put in by my buddy, life finally was problem free for tk..
(My MV: Phew… finally he can sleep again…)
But… bang!!!!  Once life was back to normal, what is the use of a guy who was used as a problem solver and shrink now that all the problems were solved?

So, tk makes one final call to my buddy…
Calls him up and tells him that she doesn’t trust him any more….  And that she is peaceful and didn’t want him ruin it and didn’t want him to enter her life again and confuse her any further…(Same here guys.. I 2 felt like murdering dat B***h)
And the trust was lost because of that over whelming greetings…(Remember?)…

Now tell me guys… after all this, how do you expect me to feel towards tk after all this?
Yup that is the dictionary meaning of agrrrrrrrr…………..


  1. baby... d pic must hav been 2 wemen with 2 knives.... I 2 would luv to do d honourz of dis royal deed of eliminating weedz from ur life...

  2. cool... plz do join the club ma... d more d merrier... :)

  3. ahhh..!! i feel sorry for you sweeto!! :'(

  4. itz k akshu... i need 2 deal vid tk... ought 2 teach her a lesson... just thinkin hw....
