Friday 29 April 2011


Human mindz are said to hav the most complicated mechanism ever possible.....
There are thingz we constantly end up doing despite of al d precausionz we take against it... 


Y is it dat we xpect most from the ppl whose denial causes the maximum pain?
Though we know dat v r nvr gonna get it, we end up doing d same old mistake…. We xpect….

We do accept d fact dat certain ppl shal nvr xpress certain emotions… In such cases, we learn 2 read dem in deir eyes…. Every touch of theirs tells us what we wanna know… sometimes even more…. Yet, why is it so..dat we still wanna hear it frm dem?

Y are we stil xpecting ven we know dat we shal nvr gt vat we xpect….  Y is it dat it still pains…. We accept dem 4 vat dey are… luv dem 4 being themselves…. Yet in some corner of the mind, we still xpect…..

Expectations force us in2 doing things in order to see some response, though we know we shal not see it….  But still feel disappointed when we don’t get what we xpect…

This disappointment doesn’t change out state f mind towards our luved ones.. they always mean the same to us…. Our luv 4 them nvr changes coz we know what is their luv 4 us…..
Yet… y is der an xpectation buried in us? Have we become that greedy? Well the answers are unknown to all of us coz some where from some one, al of us expect some thing or the other…  

Strange thing this expectation is….
 You know you’ll face disappointment… yet it breakz your heart….


  1. enna madam..... bhayangara feelingz pola....
    Itz so nt like u... vatz dis new atempt 4?

  2. heh usss... no feelingz and al... jst a thought... itz gt nothing 2 do vid me personally...

  3. awesossosossosmmeeee!!!! :))))

  4. OSM:) Good narattion skills indeed:)

    Expectation hurts........!

  5. I know chaki... thanq u 4 ur complimentz....

  6. NicE...!!! From wer did yo gain this much experience...?? :P :O
