Saturday 4 August 2012


“Every girl has a mother in her.”
How true the saying is… Every gal is a mother by herself irrespective of the fact whether she has given birth to a child or not. Motherhood is a strange emotion. It has no boundaries, no demands, no expectation nothing… All it has is Love, Affection, care and concern…. It is the only relationship that gives everything without any expectation… I never could understand how it was possible…. I never could understand how a woman is able to love someone sooo much that she is ready to sacrifice everything just to see her kid smile…. Might be, just to answer mu question, The Almighty sent a person into my life… The minute he entered my life, I realised what is called the Love of a mother… The happiness that I felt when I hear him laugh, the tears that roll down my eyes when I hear him cry… The gutt feel I get when he is in trouble… well all this made me realise mothers’ love… He became my life, my source of happiness and a major part of my prayer…. My every day action was with respect to my kid…. For a self-centred person like me, It is amazing how someone could change my life so much in such a magical way…. I can think and talk about nothing but my kid, his well being and happiness…Certain people feel it is obsession, certain others feel it is craziness… But mite be that what is a mothers’ love for her child…. Today at this point I realise how lucky I am… At the mere age of 21, I have kid to love and to be loved back by him… So what if we don’t share a common DNA…So what if he is not born to me... The love and affection I have is true and genuine. And I am enjoying this relationship….. And by all this I somewhere feel that I have begun to understand my mum much better…. Well That I suppose is the magic of Motherhood….