Tuesday 12 June 2012


People are not completely wrong about relationships…. Oh yes..!!! It is a completely different experience. One and quarter years before, my dream came true. MY prince charming finally came…. He is a character from every girl’s dream… All he thinks about is me and my happiness. I am the axis of his globe…. He is a person with deep ironic secrets within and great pride outside. But somewhere between the Pride and secrets is the real him whom he doesn’t want to be at all…. For a person like him, adapting himself for me, well!! What more would you want from your guy?    
 One fine normal afternoon, turned my world upside down…..He went on his knees and with a ring in his hand, made that very moment magical in my life…. Ever since then I am the happiest girl on earth…..  My life has completely changed…. We are so engrossed in our own world that we have slowly started losing touch the world outside…. He being a socially isolated person is very happy with this little world of his…. But for me, my world of us shrunk to my world of both of us…. Somewhere down the lane, chasing behind love, life & happiness, I feel that my old little world is lost. Everyone from it have their own little world now and I don’t belong to any of them……
Yes he is the best thing that has ever happened in my life but he can’t be the only thing….. I today stop and think, where is my life heading to?!! Where are all those people whose presence was like oxygen in my life?!!! Have they all walked away from my life because they felt that I was so preoccupied with my love life that I wouldn’t notice them gone or was it because they have their own life now…..? Where is all this taking me? Why do I have pay such a high cost just to be happy? God please answer some of these……. But yeah I know this is life and when one door closes, another one opens…. But then…………….