Wednesday 29 June 2011


Every here would have some day or the other experienced a feel of longingness… You don’t think so?
Hmmm… Ok…. Let me ask you something…

How do you feel when you see some one who means the world to you behaving the way you have always wanted them to be, with an other person and all you got to was witness it but not experience?

See…. Now seem to understand the meaning of the word longingness….

Well as I have said before in my previous articles, Humans brain is a very complicated mechanism…. Its functioning is a mystery to all of us…. We are never happy with what ever we get, unless that is what we have wanted…. We are never satisfied with what we get, only with what we want… Most of the times we get something much better than what we had desired, but the human brain fails to appreciate it… We tend to anticipate and expect what we have always longed for, despite of the fact that we have received something better in its place… Even though we realize that it is foolish to expect to squeeze water out of a hard rock, we end up in hoping to receive tender and expressed show case of affection from the rough ones…. While we expect the impossible from one person, we tend not to recognize others who have equal affection for us…. Though al the emotions are felt, yet there is a sense of longingness….
This is built in our minds because how much ever you know that it is not possible to receive what you expect, we still long for it because some where in a corner of our mind a small voice keeps repeating itself “It is not impossible… After all you have witnessed it….” And this voice caused the pain of realization that certain things can only be witnessed and not experienced how much ever you long to be in the receiving end….

The solution to all this internal conflict is to accept the reality and learn to realize the value of what you have got, rather than expecting things that you are not lucky enough to get….

Well guys, it seems so easy to give a solution….
But Why is it so Difficult to follow…………………………..?